The Kinneards

The Kinneards
Photo credits to Coralie Tondevold

Saturday, February 15, 2014

I know it's true.

   Every Sunday morning I rise early and give myself the pep talk to prepare for what may lie ahead. My husband is gone attending his Priesthood meetings and I'm left to get my two boys ready for church. I know, I know, having two boys may not seem like a huge task compared to the wonderful super-moms who have more, but two for me is difficult, especially on Sunday mornings.  My oldest Seth somehow finds a reason to counter every word I say, and Ashton, my oh so sweet Ashton just doesn't like much of anything....well besides breakfast.

 A normal morning would consist of Ashton screaming when I try to change his diaper, more screaming when I struggle to clothe his cute chubby body, and again when I do his hair, which is why most often then not its never done. My sweet Seth loves to sneak the iPad and play on it knowing he shouldn't. He does a great job at dressing himself, which is such a huge help for me, but he never fails to change out of his clothes and into a costume 10 minutes before we need to jet out the door. By the time we reach our church building, Seth is eye balling the parking lot to see which of his friends are there that day, and Ashton is just excited to get out of the car. 

My husband isnt able to sit with me during the Sacrament (if you don't know what that is click here) so I have the sole responsibility to keep two children as reverent as I can for a little over an hour. Seth normally does well, he is old enough to color or draw, but Ashton on the other hand isn't. He scatters the crayons, steps on Seth's drawings, hits Seth with whatever he can find, and usually has at least two screaming fits especially when he sees his dad at the front. It can be quite challenging, and I feel so inadequate when I see mothers doing it with more children then what I have. They are my inspiration to help me get through each Sacrament meeting, and to have the patience to handle the plate that I have been given. 

I don't do this every week to torture myself, or to boast that I am a Christian. I do this because I know that Jesus Christ lives. I know that the only way to find that pure and true happiness is from the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know this is true because I have witnessed it myself in my own life. I used to wonder where I came from, why am I here and I struggled with finding true inner happiness. Once I learned about the gospel of Jesus Christ and really understood the why of many unanswered questions I had, that happiness that I longed for entered my life and has yet to leave. 

I know that by sacrificing small things, such as a Sunday to learn more about our purpose here on earth, we are blessed for it. I know that if we take that first initial leap of faith doors will open we didn't know existed, and a life we could only have dreamed of would be reality. I love my life as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and I am proud to -- "stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things, and in all places, even until death."-- Mosiah 18:9.

I love this Gospel and I love and treasure those who dared to stand alone to help me reach my fullest potential and be the best wife and mother that I possibly can. 


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