The Kinneards

The Kinneards
Photo credits to Coralie Tondevold

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pinch Me...I Must Be Dreaming!

I wish children had pause buttons. Not to stop them so I can relax or sleep, but to keep life exactly where it is. Seth brings such joy into my life. Every moment I find wonderful he is apart of it. I wake up happy knowing I'll see his perfect smiling face to greet me. I come out of bad moods instantly just watching him run around my house in his horribly ripped stained, what I call disgusting and what Seth calls "cool" batman costume. Yes, the one from Halloween. Can you only imagine the condition of this cheap Walmart costume that has been worn on a daily basis since Halloween. Its not pretty, and since Seth loves it so much I cant bare to throw it away.

I love how caring he is towards me, always making sure I'm happy. Everyday...literally he asks about 50+ times "Mom you happy" my response is always "Of course sweetie." His reaction is a wide ear to ear adorable is that? Today when our family doctor told Seth "Well your just wide eyed and bushy tailed this morning" Seths reply was "No I'm handsome." Kids say the darnedest things sometimes.

I feel like I've been so blessed in my life. Actually I dont feel I know that this family of mine has truly had the windows of Heaven opened and blessings showered upon each of us. I'm grateful for this gospel, the knowledge to know and have an understanding of so many things. I love that we can stand out in this society instead of stand within.

Three more months and our precious Ashton will be here. Oh my...oh my!!! Every day I wonder what it will be like to have two children. Then I look at Seth and realize life will be better...more joyful moments to experience. More ways to learn and challenge myself as a mother. More ways to expand my love and patience! I love trials, because the blessings from them no matter what they are fills my heart and it becomes full. My husband and soon to be two children make my life complete.

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