The Kinneards

The Kinneards
Photo credits to Coralie Tondevold

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Our life

I have been thinking about getting a blog for quite sometime now, but every time I come to this exact spot my mind goes blank and I have no idea what to write. So since I finally gave in to doing a blog, I hope I can continue to write...and hopefully its as interesting as the others blogs I've read!!

I'll start with when I had my beautiful son, Seth in February 2008. What a wonderful experience that was and even though it was hard at that time being a single parent, I managed to find a road that changed our lives for eternity. In May of 2008 I became an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Now this was a big decision on my part, I was stuck between living a life that I knew or change and take a different road. I took a different road and it has taken us to wonderful places. Shortly after, I met my wonderful husband and we were married and sealed in the beautiful San Diego Temple on October 7, 2008. A lot happened in 2008, and I'm grateful for every moment.

Seth Ryan born February 19, 2008 at 8:47pm weighing 8.7lbs

October 7, 2008-San Diego Temple

October 13, 2008- Our wedding reception with my in-laws 

2008- Seth's first steps

2009- Seths first time on a quad. 

In January 2009 we realized it was very difficult financially. Cameron my husband was unable to work due to citizenship. He is Canadian and was only able to "visit" the United States by using the left over time from his missionary visa. He went back to Canada while Seth and I stayed in Nevada. What we thought would be a very short 3 months turned into a long 2 and half years. That was probably one of the hardest trials we have ever had to endure. With that being said it was (and now that its over) an amazing experience that I now look back on and feel blessed that the Lord had that much faith in us. I know it was highly needed, and I wouldnt want our life to have been any other way. Of course it wasnt easy and at times we thought we would fail but with our growing testimonies and unconditional love we managed to pull through to the end. Cameron was able to drive down and visit a few times. We made wonderful memories during each visit whether it was visiting family in Arizona or just spending quality time together. Even though I can look back at that time in our life and see wonderful blessings, and remember the great times I was able to share with other members of the church and my parents. I'm relieved and so happy to put that behind us and move on with our new life together as husband and wife.
2011- Trip to Disneyland

2011- Trip to Disneyland

2010- Boise ID

2011- Trip to AZ, Mesa temple

2011- Handsome Seth in front of the beautiful Mesa Temple.

So here we are in Calgary...finally. After a long hard road we are a family. What a wonderful blessing it is to be apart of the Saviors plan. We have been living here in Canada for about 3 months and already so much has happened.

Seth started school, and he loves it so much. He goes three days a week and I truly believe if he could he would go every single day. I've been able to get accustomed to the health care here quite fast. A few weeks after arriving Seth managed to get his hand stuck in our treadmill. First ER visit in Canada and I was able to first hand experience the "newly to me" socialized healthcare. It felt wonderful walking out of that hospital and knowing we only had to pay for parking. Then we were referred to Alberta's Children Hospital and Seth continued his care there. What a wonderful place, with amazing people. Seth's hand is healing quickly, he has been so tough through this whole experience.

2011- Seths first day at preschool in Calgary, AB

2011- Seth in preschool with his new cool name tag. 

Another blessing our family has received is the privileged to have another child. I am just a week and half shy of 3 months. We are thrilled to experience this pregnancy together and watch Seth grow from an only child into a brother. He will be 4 once the baby is born, kind of a bigger gap than I wanted but grateful we are able to expand our family!

1 comment:

  1. yay! I LOVE new blogs to stalk :) I loved this post Alycia. I learned so much about your little family and I can't help but be so excited for you all and this new adventure you are going on. I'm sure this next baby will be just as handsome as Seth is. What a heartbreaker! Looking forward to reading more and more :)
