The Kinneards

The Kinneards
Photo credits to Coralie Tondevold

Monday, November 28, 2011

Time flies...

Oh boy how does time just pass you by! Halloween was wonderful, Cameron was able to get off work early and we both, as a family I might add with such gratefulness, took our sweet Seth trick-or-treating. It was wonderful to finally share a holiday together, and for once we didnt have to say good-bye afterwards. Seth was the most adorable Batman I have ever seen too. He was able to get lots of candy, that he did indeed enjoy then shortly forgot so I threw it out. Mostly for my sake, sadly I think I ate more than him. 

I love this picture! 
                                                             Ready to go mom!

                                                                       First house!!

                                                                 Yay!! A sucker!

                                                                  The damage!

November has been a wonderful month. We have been able to finish a lot of much needed Christmas shopping. December is approaching so quick, and I'm so glad we were able to divide the shopping and cost into two months. Last week Seth was admitted into the Alberta Children's Hospital for a 5 day EEG (its a test that measures and records the electrical activity of your brain. Special sensors are attached to your head and hooked by wires to a computer. The computer records your brain's electrical activity on the screen or on paper.) Seth was diagnosed with Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder when he was about 18 months old. The hospital here is absolutely amazing. This test was just for record purposes. Since we just moved here the doctors wanted to do some tests themselves. So we spent 5 days in the hospital. The worst part was trying to get my wild 3 year old to stay in bed. He was video recorded the entire time just in case he had a seizure so I was told to make sure he was in front of the camera at all times. I cant say it was the best week I had but I'm glad that I was able to be there for him. We shared many laughs and watched way to much TV! I should really give him more credit because I thought it was going to be more of a fight to keep him in bed but it wasnt. As long as I was there with him he did pretty good. One downfall they wanted to induce seizures, so because Seth has seizures when he is tired they slept deprived him. Sleep depriving a 3 year old means sleep depriving the mom. We went to bed around 12am and woke back up at 6am. I already feel like a walking zombie with 8 hours of sleep and possibly a nap during the day if I can squeeze it in while being pregnant. Luckily it was only 5 days and we had the weekend to re-group. We also went and grabbed our lovely Christmas tree too! 

                                 My wonderful husband, whom I love oh so much! 

I'm finally 4 months pregnant! YAY!!! The sickness and extreme tiredness has passed and I cant say I'm sorry one bit. That was probably the worst I have ever felt in my life and thought to myself many times "I"m never doing this again." I really wonder how many times during pregnancy a woman says those words and end up having a least a few more kids. I guess time does heal all because I completely forgot what the first 3 months were like and now I'm slowly starting to remember the "truth" about pregnancy! Even though at times its ruthless torture I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to have children. Cameron and I are so excited to welcome this little one into the world next year! We find out what we are having in two weeks! 

Seth and I will be making a trip to the United States in the middle of December. I'm so excited to see my parents and friends. I really miss them all so much, and I have been craving a few food items that I will be stocking up on while I'm there. Mmmm just the thought makes me hungry! I have noticed one specific craving with this pregnancy and it definitely isnt beneficial to my goal of "slow weight gain." Neopolitan ice cream, oh my I could literally eat the entire bucket! I have been slightly exercising, and by slightly I mean twice....I'm working on getting more motivation...working on it is key here! 

Other than that life is the same, wonderful!